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    • atomic_t结构


    一是在老的Linux版本,atomic_t实际只有24位长,低8位用来做锁,如下图所示。这是由于Linux是一个跨平台的实现,可以运行在多种 CPU上,有些类型的CPU比如SPARC并没有原生的atomic指令支持,所以只能在32位int使用8位来做同步锁,避免多个线程同时访问。(最新版SPARC实现已经突破此限制)



    atomic_t my_counter = ATOMIC_INIT(0);
    val = atomic_read( &my_counter );
    atomic_add( 1, &my_counter );
    atomic_inc( &my_counter );
    atomic_sub( 1, &my_counter );
    atomic_dec( &my_counter );
    • 原子操作硬件上的实现


    OpenSolaris i386的实现

    	movl	4(%esp), %edx	/ %edx = target address
    	movl	(%edx), %eax	/ %eax = old value
    	leal	1(%eax), %ecx	/ %ecx = new value
    	cmpxchgl %ecx, (%edx)	/ try to stick it in
    	jne	1b
    	movl	%ecx, %eax	/ return new value


     * atomic_add - add integer to atomic variable
     * @i: integer value to add
     * @v: pointer of type atomic_t
     * Atomically adds @i to @v.  Note that the guaranteed useful range
     * of an atomic_t is only 24 bits.
    static __inline__ void atomic_add(int i, atomic_t *v)
            __asm__ __volatile__(
                    LOCK "addl %1,%0"
                    :"=m" (v->counter)
                    :"ir" (i), "m" (v->counter));


    • Spinlocks自旋锁

    如果锁被占用,尝试获取锁的线程进入busy-wait状态,即CPU不停的循环检查锁是否可用。自旋锁适合占用锁非常短的场合,避免等待锁的线程sleep而带来的CPU两个context switch的开销。

    • Semaphores信号量


    • Adaptive locks自适应锁

    顾名思义,自适应锁就是上面两种的结合。当线程尝试申请锁,会自动根据拥有锁的线程繁忙或sleep来选择是busy wait还是sleep。这种锁只有Solaris内核提供,Linux上未见有相关描述。

    几种锁的性能比较(Windows操作系统下,第一种类似atomic_inc, 2,3类似spinlock, 4,5类似semaphore)

    (图片来源:Intel Software Network)

    Java synchronization

    再理论联系实际一下,看Java中的锁底层如何实现的。这篇关于JVM的Thin Lock, Fat Lock, SPIN Lock与Tasuki Lock中讲到Java synchronization实际上也是一种自适应锁。

    于是,JVM早期版本的做法是,如果T1, T2,T3,T4…产生线程竞争,则T1通过CAS获得锁(此时是Thin Lock方式),如果T1在CAS期间获得锁,则T2,T3进入SPIN状态直到T1释放锁;而第二个获得锁的线程,比如T2,会将锁升级(Inflation)为Fat Lock,于是,以后尝试获得锁的线程都使用Mutex方式获得锁。

    Java AtomicInteger的实现,似乎和Solaris的实现非常类似,也是一个busy wait的方式

         * Atomically increments by one the current value.
         * @return the updated value
        public final int incrementAndGet() {
            for (;;) {
                int current = get();
                int next = current + 1;
                if (compareAndSet(current, next))
                    return next;
         * Atomically sets the value to the given updated value
         * if the current value {@code ==} the expected value.
         * @param expect the expected value
         * @param update the new value
         * @return true if successful. False return indicates that
         * the actual value was not equal to the expected value.
        public final boolean compareAndSet(int expect, int update) {
            // unsafe.compareAndSwapInt是用本地代码实现
            return unsafe.compareAndSwapInt(this, valueOffset, expect, update);



    我在VirtualBox虚拟机上安装了OpenSolaris,非常容易安装,使用这个Minimal OpenSolaris Appliance OVF image for VirtualBox 2.2 简易方法,安装一个没有gui的版本,大约3分钟以内就可以装好。OpenSolaris安装软件和Ubuntu一样方便,使用 pkg install SUNWxxx 的命令,比如 pkg install SUNWcurl

    Thrift and Protocol Buffers performance in Java Round 2

    In my last test Thrift and Protocol Buffers performance in Java, Some comments told me that there are some tuning parameter for Protocol Buffer which can improve performance magically. The parameter was not turn on by default. I added
    option optimize_for = SPEED
    to the proto file, and re-generated the Java class, and the result:

    Thrift Loop    : 10,000,000
    Get object     : 14,394msec
    Serdes thrift  : 37,671msec
    Objs per second: 265,456
    Total bytes    : 1,130,000,000
    ProtoBuf Loop  : 10,000,000
    Get object     : 8,170msec
    Serdes protobuf: 33,054msec
    Objs per second: 302,535
    Total bytes    : 829,997,866

    From the result, Protocol Buffers is 1.1 times faster than Thrift!

    And from the Google Protocol Buffers group, why the optimize for speed was not turn on by default.

    When using C++ or Java protocol buffers, for best performance you need to add a line to your .proto files:

    option optimize_for = SPEED;

    Otherwise, by default, the compiler optimizes for code size.  Optimizing for code size results in generated code that around a half to a third of the size, but runs an order of magnitude slower…

    Here is the original post

    Thrift and Protocol Buffers performance in Java

    I’ve used Thrift for some log client in our system. I’m going to use Protocol Buffers as the internal communication protocol between our XMPP servers. But I am hard to believe from the thrift and protocol buffers Python performance comparison, that that Protocol Buffers is 4-10 slower than Thrift. I’m going to do some similar tests on Java.

    The test is very similiar as the Python test. the .proto and .thrift file are copied from the above python test.

    The .thrift content:

    struct dns_record {
    1: string key,
    2: string value,
    3: string type = 'A',
    4: i32 ttl = 86400,
    5: string first,
    6: string last
    typedef list<dns_record> biglist
    struct dns_response {
    1: biglist records
    service PassiveDns {
    biglist search_question(1:string q);
    biglist search_answer(1:string q);

    The .proto content

    package passive_dns;
    message DnsRecord {
    required string key = 1;
    required string value = 2;
    required string first = 3;
    required string last = 4;
    optional string type = 5 [default = "A"];
    optional int32  ttl = 6 [default = 86400];
    message DnsResponse {
    repeated DnsRecord records = 1;

    From the document, I learn that the optional and default values are one of the benefits of both serialization libraries. A record that matches the default value does not need to be included in the serialized output.

    I wrote up a simple test program to compare thrift, protocol buffers. I tested the serialize and deserialize together, because this is the most called part in most scenarioes.

    Test 1: 10,000,000 times

    ProtoBuf Loop  : 10,000,000
    Get object     : 15,130msec
    Serdes protobuf: 68,600msec
    Objs per second: 145,772
    Total bytes    : 829,996,683
    Thrift Loop    : 10,000,000
    Get object     : 12,651msec
    Serdes thrift  : 36,904msec
    Objs per second: 270,973
    Total bytes    : 1,130,000,000

    Test 2: 1,000,000 times

    ProtoBuf Loop  : 1,000,000
    Get object     : 1,094msec
    Serdes protobuf: 7,467msec
    Objs per second: 133,922
    Total bytes    : 83,000,419
    Thrift Loop    : 1,000,000
    Get object     : 524msec
    Serdes thrift  : 5,969msec
    Objs per second: 167,532
    Total bytes    : 113,000,000

    The serde_* functions are the times needed to serialize, and de-serialize the java object to and from a byte[].

    The result in Java was that Protocol Buffers 1.2-2 times slower than Thrift. (in the python test was 4~10 times). And PB binary size is smaller than Thrift. I think this is acceptable, and Google may improve the Protocol Buffers performance in the future version.

    Download my test code in Java: thrift-protocol-buffers-java.tgz,

    More information about thrift and protocol buffers: Thrift, Protocol Buffers installation and Java code howto

    Update: There is another Thrift vs. Protocol Buffers compare non-performance factors.

    UPDATE 2 (Apr 17): There is a performance tuning parameter optimize_for = SPEED (thanks Steve Chu) for Protocol Buffers, please see my next performance tests Thrift and Protocol Buffers performance in Java Round 2